Exercises for Programmers 5 - NODEJS

I had to take a break from working through the book to get a few other “life” things done, but with those in the bag I was able to hop back into it today and finish up Chapter 3.

After the amount of learning I did with Exercise 10, the remaining three exercises ended up being really easy and following basically the same pattern in all three cases.

Repository for this is still on GitHub.

Once again, I’m going to leave out the tests from this coverage since it’s all pretty straightforward and follows the same pattern each time. I was expecting the test file for this chapter to be over 1,000 lines of code, but somehow it only came out to 990. It makes me wonder what test cases I overlooked as I was working on these last three exercises.

I’m also going to leave out the code implementing the readline functionality. Since the introduction of Promise chaining that I implemented in Exercise 10 I haven’t had to do anything new and interesting there either, and once again it looks like I’ve captured a good pattern for how to do that.

I started on these around 11 this morning. It’s now 5:30 PM and I’ve done a lot of driving and walking during that time in addition to writing code, so I think I’ve got a total of maybe 2-3 hours of actual coding time in today. So I feel like I made a lot of progress in being able to wrap in the chapter in a fairly efficient and concise manner.

I also think I’ve found a pretty good function pattern for checking that numeric inputs are valid. I should break that out into a utility module so that I stop re-creating it each time. That would help cut down on the number of tests I have to write, and also let me write less code each time I start on a new exercise. Breaking it out and updating all of the calls could take some time though. For the moment I’m more excited to just plow through the exercises.

Exercise 11

This exercise is a Euro to US Dollar currency converter. I have no idea if the conversion rates are even correct. I could probably go and find an API to supply this, but researching that could have taken a bit more time than I was willing to commit to at this point. Not that it would have been difficult once I found the API. It would have actually been a good opportunity to do some practice with Stream. Maybe I’ll consider a refactor of that at some point.

function checkInput(value) {
  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
    throw new Error('input amount must be delivered as a string')
  if (Number.isNaN(parseFloat(value)) || /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test(value)) {
    throw new Error('input must be parseable as a number')
  return true

function calculateConversion(amount_from, rate_from, rate_to) {
  if (typeof amount_from !== 'number' ||
    typeof rate_from !== 'number' ||
    typeof rate_to !== 'number') {
    throw new Error('all inputs must be numeric')
  const output = (amount_from * rate_from) / rate_to
  return output.toFixed(2)

function buildConversion(amount_from, rate_from) {
  const parsed_from = parseFloat(amount_from)
  const parsed_rate = parseFloat(rate_from)
  const rate_to = 98.24
  const converted_value = calculateConversion(parsed_from, parsed_rate, rate_to)

  return `${amount_from} euros at an exchange rate of ${rate_from} is ${converted_value} US dollars`

module.exports = {

Exercise 12

This one is a basic interest calculator, without doing any compounding. That made the math super easy.

function simpleInterest(principal, rate, period) {
  const output = principal + (principal * period * rate * 0.01)
  return output.toFixed(2)

function checkSIinputs(value) {
  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
    throw new Error('input amount must be delivered as a string')
  if (Number.isNaN(parseFloat(value)) || /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test(value)) {
    throw new Error('input must be parseable as a number')
  return true

function buildSIstring(principal, rate, period) {

  const parsed_principal = parseFloat(principal)
  const parsed_rate = parseFloat(rate)
  const parsed_period = parseFloat(period)
  const accrued = simpleInterest(parsed_principal, parsed_rate, parsed_period)

  return `After ${period} years at ${rate}%, the investment will be worth $${accrued}.`

module.exports = {

Exercise 13

This one is for compounding interest. A little bit more complicated mathematically, but again: not really a problem.

function compound_interest(principal, rate, period, frequency) {
  const exponent = period * frequency
  const small_interest = 1 + ((0.01 * rate) / frequency)
  const output = principal * (small_interest ** exponent)
  return output.toFixed(2)

function checkCIinputs(value) {
  if (typeof value !== 'string') {
    throw new Error('input amount must be delivered as a string')
  if (Number.isNaN(parseFloat(value)) || /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.test(value)) {
    throw new Error('input must be parseable as a number')
  return true

function buildCIstring(principal, rate, period, frequency) {
  const p_principal = parseFloat(principal)
  const p_rate = parseFloat(rate)
  const p_period = parseFloat(period)
  const p_frequency = parseFloat(frequency)

  const accrued = compound_interest(p_principal, p_rate, p_period, p_frequency)

  return `$${principal} invested at ${rate}% for ${period} years compounded ${frequency} times per year is $${accrued}`

module.exports = {
Jeremy Jackson
Software Engineering and Data Science